Need more information, contact Miami Hills Swim & Tennis Club at (513) 248-4298

Now Hiring: Swim Coaches.

Swim Coach Job description

Miami Hills Swim and Tennis Club is hiring summer swim coaches including a Head Coach. Located in Milford, OH, this position runs in person from Memorial Day until Mid-July. The team practices Monday-Friday mornings with swim meets Thursday evenings.

The Head Coach is responsible for overseeing assistant swim coaches, swim meet entries, writing or overseeing daily practices for ages 6-18, disciplinary actions and a variety of other tasks.

Assistant swim coaches will be responsible for a specific age group, running practice, swim meet entries and other tasks as assigned.


  • Swim Team Experience, Coaching Preferred
  • Lifeguard experience preferred
  • Experience running team practice for young ages
  • Experience with meet entries
  • Assistants must be 16 years of age or older with valid drivers license
  • Available Monday-Friday May 28 until July 11 from 8am-12pm
  • Available for Championships July 9th & 10th
  • All candidates encouraged to apply.

All applications can be sent to our Swim Representatives at: