Need more information, contact Miami Hills Swim & Tennis Club at (513) 248-4298

After Hours Court Information.


Members can use the courts after hours.

Lights are on a timer set to come on between 8:00pm-midnight.

Lights can be turned on/off by using the light switch located on the fence post located next to the telephone pole that is just inside the pool fence. Looking at the courts, it is on the far left fence in front of the top 2 courts.

Members can access the courts after hours by using the combination lock on the outside gate in front of the courts. The combo is available at the front desk.

Courts may be reserved for use. Please check the Court Availability Chart posted on the Tennis Bulletin Board to see when particular courts are available.

Front Desk Attendant will write down the Day, Date, Time and Court that will be reserved.

Courts may be reserved for 1-hour at a time.

Court availability is subject to change and reservations can be denied or cancelled at the Manager’s discretion.