MHSTC Rules & Responsibilities
Miami Hills Swim and Tennis Club, Inc.
P.O. Box 415
Milford, Ohio 45150
*Located off of Rainbow Trail
Rules and Regulations
The rules and regulations set forth by the Board of Trustee are in the interest of the health, safety and welfare of the membership. Their intent is to promote the safe and sanitary operation of the club facilities.
A. Members are responsible for checking in with the front desk personnel each time they enter the club. Inform that person of your membership number. Refer to section VI. for guest information.
B. Parents/guardians are responsible for the conduct and safety of their children and guests while using the club facilities.
C. All commonly recognized rules of safety and sanitation will be observed.
D. Club management or the authorized designee may use discretion to take disciplinary action upon members or their guests to encourage adherence to the rules and regulations of the club.
E. Use of the facility will be denied to any member (child/adult) who frequently abuses the rules and regulation of the club.
F. Club management or the authorized designee may use discretion in dealing with matters relating to health, safety and personal conduct, should same not be specifically mentioned in the rules and regulations.
G. All members will identify themselves at the request of club management or the authorized designee when using the club facilities.
H. The club will not be responsible for loss or damage to personal property.
I. Property damage and the financial responsibility for rectifying same will be charged to the responsible member.
J. All trash, refuse, litter and the like will be deposited in the containers provided.
K. Neither employees nor the Board shall have the right to condone violation of the rules and regulations.
1. A ten (10) m.p.h. speed limit shall be observed in all designated driveways and parking lots. Reckless operation of any motorized vehicles will not be tolerated.
2. Glass containers of any kind will not be permitted on club property. This includes parking areas, tennis facility, swimming areas, etc.
3. Fires will only be permitted in grills provided by the club or by members. Fires will not be left unattended and will be extinguished after use.
4. Accidents and injuries of any kind will be reported immediately to the club manager.
1. The use of the pools will only be permitted during designated hours of operation. Scheduled closings will be posted. Rest periods for children may be designated at the discretion of the Board or club manager.
2. Children 11 years old and under may not be left at the pool unattended.
3. Children age12 and older may be left unattended provided the parent/guardian has received permission from the club manager on duty.
4. Non swimmers must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
5. The use of the baby pool will be restricted to adult supervised children 5 years old and younger. Lifeguards will not guard the baby pool.
6. Young children will not be permitted in either pool unless they are wearing disposable swim pants or are able to maintain a sanitary condition.
7. Running will not be permitted in the pool area at any time.
8. Unsafe disturbances such as dunking, pushing, wrestling, etc. will not be permitted in the pool area.
9. Metal toys and hard plastic objects will not be permitted in either pool.
10. The use of air inflated tubes, rafts, goggles, masks, flippers, nerfs, beach balls, etc. may be permitted in designated area so the pools. Should the use of these devices or other paraphernalia pose a threat to safety, the club manager may discontinue their use at his/her discretion.
11. Crossing through designated lap lanes is not permitted.
12. Caution will be employed when entering the pool. Only forward jumps will be permitted in the swimming areas of the pool. Only forward dives will be permitted in the dive area of the pool.
13. One person will be allowed on a diving board at a time.
14. Only one bounce is permitted on the end of the board.
15. Diving off the side of the board is not permitted.
16. The diving area of the pool must be clear before the next diver steps onto the board.
17. Loitering or swimming under the diving boards shall not be permitted.
18. Clowning or horseplay shall not be permitted in the diving area.
19. Conversing with lifeguards shall not be permitted while they are guarding.
A. Admission to the swimming pools or pool area may be denied
to any member/guest with colds, coughs, inflamed eyes, skin eruptions, infection or any malady of an infectious mature at the discretion of the club manager.
B. Food and refreshments should be kept away from the pool.
C. Pets and other domestic animals shall not be permitted on the grounds.
A. The courts will be operated under the direction of the Board of Trustees and the club manager. The courts belong to all the members of the club, so be sure to report any misuse or abuse of them to the management.
B. All players are required to wear smooth-soled tennis shoes. Barefoot and street shoes are strictly prohibited. Appropriate tennis apparel is required.
C. Members must register their guest before using the courts. Members are responsible for checking in with the front desk personnel each time they enter the club. Inform that person of your membership number. Guest for tennis are subject to the same regulations and changes as guests for the pool. A guest fee qualifies a guest for both tennis and pool privileges.
D. Courtesy should prevail at all times. Please return stray balls on your court to the proper court. Do not walk behind the players on a court while they are playing for a point. Wait for the current point to finish then quickly cross their court at the back. Non-tennis activities and abusive language are not permitted on the tennis courts.
E. Courts should be locked when not in use. The club management will unlock the courts for the operating hours of the club facilities. Members wishing to play at ties when the courts are not normally unlocked must contact the club management.
F. Miami Hills Swim and Tennis Club is not responsible for any player’s equipment or for any injury which occurs to a member or guest while at the club.
A. Daily rate posted at the front desk for individuals and families.
B. Baby Sitter Pass: This pass may be purchased weekly at the front desk. This pass is for a nonmember, at least 16 years old, who is baby sitting for a member’s child or children.
C. Special Events: Arrangements to be made with the club management.
D. There is a limit of 15 days that guests may be brought to the club by one membership.
E. See club management for clarification of guest fees and policies.